Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Egg Muffins w/Swiss Chard


I promise this is one of the easiest recipes you'll ever make, and it's super forgiving.  I suspect you could do this with any number of veggies (peppers, spinach, broccoli...) and/or meats (sausage, bacon, ham...).  I opted for going simple the first time around with just some sauteed swiss chard.  This would make a great option for a brunch if you were looking for something gluten free to serve along side or instead of quiches.  Plus they're portable!!  Which as you know is always a selling point for me.

6 eggs
1 tablespoon of flour of choice (regular or gluten free)
4 spoonfuls of milk (any kind, including coconut)
dash of Cholula (or other hot sauce)
salt and pepper
sauteed swiss chard


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Sautee veggies/meats of your choosing until they are aldente'ish.  
  • In a large bowl beat eggs, flour, and milk, hot sauce, salt, and pepper. Mix in other ingredients of your choosing.
  • Spoon egg mixture into cupcake wrappers in regular sized muffin tins.  
  • This recipe should make 6-8 egg muffins depending on the size of the eggs you use.  
  • Bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes (mine were done in 35 min)

Let them cool for a few minutes before serving, otherwise it's too hot to get the wrappers off.

1 comment:

saad said...

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