Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken

I'm not sure why, but I recently decided to cook more. So I'm posting a bunch of stuff I made in the last week, starting with this stuffed chicken. It seems like lately we've been obsessed with feta and sundried tomatoes, adding it to practically everything we eat. Our current favorite: tuna salad with feta, sundried tomatoes, and raw baby spinach on whole wheat naan. It's insane. Anyhow, we decided to mix it up a bit and stuff some chicken breasts with feta and sundried tomatoes, a little basil from the plant I've somehow managed to keep alive, and then saute the spinach greens on the side. Quite tasty. Oh and the rice is Kashi's partially cooked rice from a bag that only takes 90 second to make. It seems that real rice is one of two things I can't seem to make, the other... banana bread (much to Joel's dismay).

1 comment:

Bradley said...

those kashi rice bags are fantastic